
 Op dit moment zijn er geen leveringsonderbrekingen bekend


Type of malfunction Date Time and Duration Welke verbruikers zijn
hierdoor getroffen?
Supply interruption hot tapwater Wo 10 januari 2024 Van ca. 09:00 – 15:30 Deel van Transvaal
Aansluitingen op TR Zuid
ca. 200 aansluitingen


An overview of all historical malfunction reports can be found at


Unfortunately, there is always something that can cause a malfunction. Are you experiencing trouble with your heat or hot water supply? This page explains to you how we can best answer your question.


What should you do in case of calamities, malfunctions or questions?

Malfunctions with urgency

Voor urgente storingen en calamiteiten kunt u direct bellen naar

085 – 401 50 65 (project kiezen, dan keuze 1)

Is your problem not urgent?

Kleine en niet-urgente storingen kunt u het best melden door te mailen naar

Please include the following information in your message:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Type of malfunction

The details of your malfunction will be registered and our maintenance party will contact you as soon as possible.

Further questions

Please send an email to

Responsibility Energiek

Energiek supplies heat, cold and heating for your hot water at Het Zamen and at Transvaal through the delivery system. If a fault, complaint or question relates to other installation parts in your home, this is outside our responsibility and we cannot resolve or answer it for you. In this case, you should follow the instructions given to you by your landlord/seller. You can also consult the manual or website provided and/or contact, for example, your own installer or your landlord's service provider/installer.

At Tuvista, Energiek is responsible for the heat pump and thermostat in the homes. This provides heat, cold and heating for your hot water. If a fault, complaint or question relates to other installation components in your home, this is outside our responsibility and we cannot resolve or answer it for you. In this case, you should follow the instructions given to you by your landlord/seller. You can also consult the manual or website provided and/or contact, for example, your own installer or your landlord's service provider/installer.

Learn more about the energy system and manuals?

go to manuals